New mp3 album over at Nexsound

Alla Zagaykevych
To Escape, To Breathe, To Keep Silence

Three tracks , three musicians...

Trk1. To Escape
Like the George Crumb classic ‘Black Angels’ the violins gather - a blackening horizon of birds, trajectory shifting with the wind. Digital sounds are dumped like a mass grave of seashells. Structure is built up then torn down.

Trk2. To Breathe
A gathering drone – low-key – spacey flux focused then blurred, tendrils organically expand – unknown deep-sea creatures glow florescent in the gloom causing bright halos that flicker in the murk. Like a blurred memory, sounds reverberate, oscillate trapped in a slow vortex telling of a remote world.

Trk3. To Keep Silence
Snippets of jerky cage-like piano with electronic fluctuations. Seemingly random sweeping n skating electronics building over the piano with electrocute textures softly brushing then swarming – indecisive solo keys caught on the wing...

Don't know whether I see the relationship of the Human and City in all this - more the aftermath of meltdown where mutant insects swarm over the carcasses as ash twists blindly round a blackened figure hammering a broken piano - cybernetic implants fizzing in the acrid air...

but then again I see this in almost everything...
